Please Save the Date!
- The Annual Picnic is Sunday April 15th at Alvernon Park from 4-7pm. Please bring a dish to share, a plate and beverage. Come join your neighbors!
- GnomeFest at Metrognome Music, 4044 E. Speedway, from 11:30 to 6:00 pm THIS Saturday, April 7…bands, food trucks, fun for all.
Graffiti Issues? Report Methods, Cleanup Steps
Graffiti in your area?…here are the steps to take. All clean up requests need to go through one of these processes / reporting venues:
- Smart Phone application “mytucson”
- 792-city (2489)
- Transportation Department In-House number 791-3154
If you choose to remove the graffiti yourself…
- Take photos of the graffiti and moniker. Include date, time and exact location.
- Estimate the square foot cost of the clean up.
- Report the act through
- Graffiti must be removed within 24 hours. This eliminates the recognition and notoriety that taggers seek by vandalizing your property.
Note from Nancy Huff, former PHNA President
I have resigned as president. Chris Brooks will serve as president until the September meeting when officers and board members are selected.
Please use this email: to correspond with Chris or other PHNA officers.
The blog site and will continue to have information posted.
Best wishes to everyone and please take pride in your home and our neighborhood,