Peter Howell Neighborhood Association board is starting to study quality of life opportunities in our neighborhood. We are looking to quantify what you like about the neighborhood as well as what ideas you have to make improvements big or small. As we start to look at the neighborhood don’t hold back with ideas bring them to the table ideas are not to be judged for feasibility or whether they can even be accomplished a seemingly crazy idea might just be the basis of a project that can happen.
As an introduction please take a few minutes to answer a few short questions thinking about what you like about Peter Howell neighborhood and what would make me feel better about working and living here. Every man, woman and child has a voice and will be listened to by example it was a 9 year old that shared with me his frustration we do not have a defined running track at the park his vision calls for a safe running surface with distances marked out. We can make improvements it will take time, interest and participation.
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