Illegal dumping is the disposal of junk, litter, debris or refuse in any unauthorized place such as public or private property, streets, alleys, easements or washes.
The City of Tucson Environmental Services Department (ES) will take illegal dumping complaint calls and will assess the issue. ES Customer Service can be reached by calling 520-791-3171.
If ES can identify the owner of the property on which the illegal dumping is located and can obtain contact information, ES will notify the owner and offer to arrange for ES Brush and Bulky to remove the debris for a cost of $55.
If ES is unable to determine the property owner, the complaint will be sent to Code Enforcement for further research and an inspection visit. If the illegal dumping is on City property, including medians, ES will contact the appropriate department to have it removed.
Planning and Development Services Department
Neighborhood Services
201 N Stone, 3rd Fl – 85701
PO BOX 27210, 85726